If you ever thought you might like to sing....


The Skylarks isn't your average choir singing the standard choir fare.....

We are a community based and community run choir for everyone- from the age of 10 to 110 you'll be welcome!

No auditions- we believe that with support and encouragement everyone can have fun singing!

We rehearse in Berkeley, Gloucestershire, but we believe community is about caring, about holding out your hands and welcoming, so we currently have members from both Berkeley, villages around it, as well as Cam, Dursley and further afield. So if you can get to us for rehearsals, you're welcome!

Monday, 23 December 2013

finale of Sing while you work

Did you watch Gareth Malone and the final episode of "sing while you work" last night? Ely Cathedral is one of my very favourite places to sing in- when I was at college, I sang in a scratch Mendelssohn "Elijah" one Christmas. I had a lousy cough (nothing new there) but I wasn't going to miss it for the world... The experience was amazing- the sound bounces around into all the nooks and crannies and up to the incredible vaulted ceiling..... As we left to go back to Cambridge, the Bishop of Ely was standing on the steps to wish us happy Christmas and to thank us.... I was coughing really badly and he asked if I wanted to turn my toes up.... as it's not a bad place if you're going to go! I said thank you but no thank you!

Anyway, back to last night- I was pleased that even the choristers were giving the choirs the kind of tips I keep talking about- dropping your jaw, letting tongue drop and relax, use teeth and tongue to get clear consonants, standing properly, no hands in pockets or folded across body....

And even though the music WAS cheesy, it was fab! I think we should aim to be able to perform pieces like that so keep singing, keeping practising, and see what a difference knowing your part and not needing to look down at music makes. (there's a hint there- try to learn your music off by heart and then you can sing from the heart!

Happy Christmas everyone- see you on 7th January!

Wednesday, 18 December 2013

End of term!

We had a fantastic last rehearsal of 2013 on Tuesday- lots of singing, including work on a new song, and everyone brought so much delicious food to share- wow those stuffed dates were amazing!

We're singing for the Dursley Lions tomorrow night to provide some Christmas cheer and say thank you for their very kind donation to help with funding our overheads and music and after that, as Grace says...

KEEP SINGING! till we meet again on 7th January 2014. How exciting is that?
New Year and loads of new songs to learn.....