If you ever thought you might like to sing....


The Skylarks isn't your average choir singing the standard choir fare.....

We are a community based and community run choir for everyone- from the age of 10 to 110 you'll be welcome!

No auditions- we believe that with support and encouragement everyone can have fun singing!

We rehearse in Berkeley, Gloucestershire, but we believe community is about caring, about holding out your hands and welcoming, so we currently have members from both Berkeley, villages around it, as well as Cam, Dursley and further afield. So if you can get to us for rehearsals, you're welcome!

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

1st night! Well done everyone!

What a night! Lots of old faces and lot of new ones. Lots of singing- worked on 3 different songs. You all did so well- it's hard after a summer off to get back into the whole singing thing, listening, cooperating, taking turns (sounds like kindergarten!) but it's so worth it! We'll keep on with the songs we worked at this week and add in the Raven folk song (print off this blog) and something else from the blue Dreamtime book. So if you need a copy of Dreamtime, contact Grace (and if we need more copies she'll let me know!)

I'm already looking forward to next week, so keep practising being relaxed..... and take a look at the songs before next time, if you can!

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