If you ever thought you might like to sing....


The Skylarks isn't your average choir singing the standard choir fare.....

We are a community based and community run choir for everyone- from the age of 10 to 110 you'll be welcome!

No auditions- we believe that with support and encouragement everyone can have fun singing!

We rehearse in Berkeley, Gloucestershire, but we believe community is about caring, about holding out your hands and welcoming, so we currently have members from both Berkeley, villages around it, as well as Cam, Dursley and further afield. So if you can get to us for rehearsals, you're welcome!

Monday, 16 June 2014

Music for everyone

 "I really have an aversion to the idea that music is a black art that only a chosen few can produce, and I don’t buy into the ‘I can’t sing or play’ ethos.

We all have a voice and using it can lift our spirits and make the world a happier place." 
 Sarah Kelly

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